Dr. Thomas Brotzler Fine-Art-Fotografie | ||
| Gewinnerbenachrichtigung und Pressemitteilung zu den »13th Annual Black & White Spider Awards 2018« Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebe Kunstfreunde, ich hatte im Rundschreiben Nr. 09|2018 vom 11. November 2018 schon kurz über die neuerliche Auszeichnung meiner Bilder bei den »13th Annual Black & White Spider Awards 2018« berichtet. Die Tage erreichte mich nun die offizielle Gewinnerbenachrichtigung und Pressemitteilung des Veranstalters, welche ich nachstehend (in amerikanischer Originalsprache) gerne zitieren möchte. Dear Thomas, CONGRATULATIONS on being a Winner at the 13th Annual B&W Spider Awards with: Honorable Mention in Architectural | Abandoned Town Hall | Study 31 Nominee in Architectural | Abandoned Town Hall | Study 19 Nominee in Architectural | Abandoned Town Hall | Study 47 Nominee in Nature | Cirque du Fer-à-Cheval | Study 01 6,404 entries were received from 77 countries and your work received a high percentage of votes overall. Certainly an achievement, well done! The live online gala was attended by over 17,000 photography fans around the globe who logged on to watch the climax of the industry's most important event for black and white photography. The Jury represented the industry's biggest names and tastemakers including Penguin Random House, London; Contrasto Galleria, Milan; Young & Rubicam, Lima; Harper's Bazaar, UK; Victoria Film Festival, Canada; Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels; Silvan Faessler Fine Art, Zurich; Time Inc., London; Galerie Hubert Winter, Vienna; Conny Dietzschold Galleries, Cologne; and Fratelli Alinari Photography Museum in Florence who reviewed the entries online before making their nominations and honoring 692 title awards and 952 nominees in 32 categories. The Awards could not have wished for a better group of professionals to work with. BLACK AND WHITE SPIDER AWARDS is the leading international award honoring excellence in black and white photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in black and white photography. Congratulations once again, we wish you a most successful photography year. Basil O'Brien Creative Director Für Fragen oder Kommentare zu den Bildstrecken stehe ich jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung (siehe obiger Link "Rückmeldung"). Alle hier gezeigten und weiteren Arbeiten können selbstverständlich auch als persönlich signierte Groß- und Archivformate in limitierter Auflage erworben werden. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Dr. Thomas Brotzler | |
21. Januar 2019 |